Generic Oxycontin OC 5 mg


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Oxycontin OC 5 mg (oxycodone hydrochloride) is used to relieve moderate to severe pain (injuries, bursitis, neuralgia, arthritis, and cancer) or long-term chronic disease and it releases Oxycodone which belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid analgesics and around-the-clock analgesic. Blue round OC 5 pill works on the CNS to block the insight of pain from the brain to the body. It provides relaxation to anxiety and stress caused by pain similar to hydrocodone, morphine, codeine, and fentanyl. oc 5 blue pill is designed for above 18 years patients but not for below 18 years old or elderly patients (above 65 years).

How To Avoiding Side-Effects Of Oxycontin OC 5 mg:

Before using Oxycontin OC 5 mg properly inform the doctor if patients are allergic to the medicine or other opioid pain relievers (oxymorphone, or codeine), have brain disorders (head injury, tumor, seizures), breathing problems (asthma, sleep apnea, COPD), kidney or liver disease, mental disorders, stomach problems (blockage, constipation, diarrhea, paralytic ileus), enlarged prostate, disease of the pancreas, gallbladder disease or pregnancy or breastfeeding or pregnancy or breastfeeding. The doctor can adjust the dose based on the patient’s health condition. If following medical conditions patients can take oc 5 tablets without a doctor’s consult then the drugs have the most harmful side effects. Store the drugs in a cool, dry place, less than 25 degrees.

Proper Usage Of Blue Round OC 5 mg:

Don’t break or crush the tablets otherwise rapidly release oxycodone that enhances the risk of overdose. Swallow the tablets whole every 12 hours. Don’t stop or change the dose without a doctor’s consultation. Never share the dose with anyone because the dose depends on patients’ age, weight, or response to treatment, and during the treatment ignore consuming alcohol or other opioid drugs. After taking blue tablet oc 5 don’t try to drive any vehicle or operate heavy machinery. If when patients miss the dose, don’t repeat it simply skip this and continue the daily schedule. store oc 5 pill at a temperature between 20°C and 25°C.

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